The Queen of Destruction Strikes Again
It all started on Christmas Eve. Who knew that dogs could climb? Santa was sitting on top of my dresser, and some how my sweet little angel of a dog obtained Santa clause from the dresser top.
Poor Santa lost his beard in the process!! I showed Erin (that is the dog) Santa and told her that I'm pretty sure Santa doesn't visit little girls who cruelly attack him. Well, apparently Santa is more forgiving than I am and didn't hear my threat...because there were treats in her stocking on Christmas morning.
**(Authors note: Yes, my dog has a stocking...doesn't every dog? I do know that you cannot reason with a dog nor treat her like a child. Should Cesar Millan stumble upon my blog, he would shake is head.)**
My friends, it doesn't end there. Last week a BOLO (Be On The Look Out) went out for a missing angel ornament from the Christmas tree. Well, the poor, victomized, angel was found...missing her wings, hair, and halo.
Then last night topped it all. See we were still taking down our decorations, so small christmas items that needed to be wrapped and boxed were set upon the coffee table. Among those items were Joseph, Mary, and Baby Jesus. Well, about 10pm I heard Erin crunching on something that just didn't sound like a rawhide. So I say "What are you eating, Erin?" to which she promptly jumps up, grabs her treat, and runs into her kennel. Upon inspection I find something that was barely recognizable, but I would know that eye from anywhere. I quickly go to check, and sure enough Joseph was standing there by himself...without his family! I look at Erin, put on my best Brooklyn accent and head bob saying "oh no you didn't?!" I started marching down the hall to her second favorite hiding place (under my bed) and she quickly retreated back into her kennel. Sure enough, the rest of Mary and Baby Jesus was found. Baby Jesus was safe although his manger did not make it. I returned baby Jesus to Joseph promising him a new Mary and a new manger by next Christmas. I can't find it anywhere in the bible, but I told Erin I was pretty sure it's a sin to eat baby Jesus and his mom.
I cannot show you pictures, my friends. They would be just too horrific.
The good news: just a few short weeks after Christmas...the decorations are finally all down, boxed, and back into storage.
Happy Friday!!
That's What I Love About Sunday
Then I come home to my husband and hear the sound that is so familiar on Sunday afternoons in our house. You got it, Sunday football...although this isn't just any Sunday football, it's play off football! Call me crazy, but there is just something relaxing about the roar of the crowd, the ref's whistles, the drone of the commentators. I love a good football game.
It made me think of a song by Craig Morgan that I just love. It's called "That's What I Love About Sunday". I wanted to post it here, but it is blocked from being embedded, so follow the link and enjoy. They lyrics are below.
Raymond's in his Sunday best,
He's usually up to his chest in oil an' grease.
There's the Martin's walkin' in,
With that mean little freckle-faced kid,
Who broke a window last week.
Sweet Miss Betty likes to sing off key in the pew behind me.
That's what I love about Sunday:
Sing along as the choir sways;
Every verse of Amazin' Grace,
An' then we shake the Preacher's hand.
Go home, into your blue jeans;
Have some chicken an' some baked beans.
Pick a back yard football team,
Not do much of anything:
That's what I love about Sunday.
I stroll to the end of the drive,
Pick up the Sunday Times, grab my coffee cup.
It looks like Sally an' Ron, finally tied the knot,
Well, it's about time.
It's 35 cents off a ground round,
Baby. cut that coupon out!
That's what I love about Sunday:
Cat-napping on the porch swing;
You curled up next to me,
The smell of jasmine wakes us up.
Take a walk down a back road,
Tackle box and a cane pole;
Carve our names in that white oak,
An' steal a kiss as the sun fades,
That's what I love about Sunday,
Oh, yeah.
Ooh, new believers gettin' baptized,
Momma's hands raised up high,
Havin' a Hallelujah good time
A smile on everybody's face.
That's what I love about Sunday,
Oh, yeah.
That's what I love about Sunday,
Oh, yeah.
Have a great day! Blessings!
Then Sings My Soul Saturday - Sister Act 2

I'm sorry, but I just LOVE this movie. This is one of my favorite gospel songs, and this version just makes me smile. Enjoy!
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Friday Fragments
For those of you looking in your living room in shame, do not are not alone. Yes, my Christmas Tree is still standing. Maybe I should just change up the decorations a little bit and make it a valentines tree...and then a birthday tree. That sounds good, huh? No? The tree WILL be coming down this weekend...maybe...
I just spent the most amazing evening with the Fusion Youth Group kids. In case you haven't heard it the other 3 million times I've told you...I TOTALLY LOVE YOU ALL. You rock my socks off.
I'm not exactly sure what it means to rock someones socks off. So, in case the above statement is in anyway bad, kindly disregard said statement. :)
We might be getting another know...the 4 legged variety. My cousin has a friend (don't all good stories start out that way?) anyway, this friend has WAY too many dogs and he is desperately searching for homes. We are going to test drive a puppy for the week and see how it goes to have 2 dogs and a cat under one roof. We may never see the cat just may be an unforgivable offense in his eyes.
I played the game Apples to Apples for the first time tonight. This game is so much fun. If you are looking for a great group game, I recommend it. I also played Rock Band for the 1st time tonight. I think it's safe to say I will not have a future as a rock star, thank you very much.
Hmmm....I guess that is all I have for you today. :) Happy Friday and have a blessed weekend!! Want more Friday Fragments or want to play along? Click here
Manic Monday
Do you have any idiosyncrasies or unusual quirks when it comes to food and/or eating? I'm a boring eater. LOL At each restaurant we go to, I have my "thing" that I order. I cook the same 5 things over and over again...not that I can't cook...just don't have time to be creative.
Have you ever written love letters? If so, do you still have any of them? Oh have I....way too many.... I wrote several to my husband, so if he kept any then I guess there are some in this house. Does that count as having any? I'm the queen of writing a letter and then throwing it away, ha ha. Never kept any for momentos.
How easy or difficult is it for you to say you're sorry? I don't know if anyone would ever say it's easy to say sorry. However, I will always sorry. Life is way to short to let bad feelings continue.
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