
Friday Fragmants

Mommy's Idea

I wish I had time to stop and take a picture of the sunrise this morning, for two reasons 
1) It was amazingly beautiful 
2) I’m rarely awake early enough to enjoy one.

I forgot how much I like the quietness of the early morning….although I still don’t know that I’ll purposefully get up that early very often.

Listened to the song “This Is Your Life” by Switchfoot on my way into work this morning.  I like that song….there might be a blog post about that song coming to a blog near you (ummm…that is my blog….LOL)

I am so excited to have three days off next week!!  Didn’t you just take a vacation a few weeks ago, you might be wondering?  Why yes I did!  But it’s my precious Lea’s last week with us, and I want to spend every last moment with her.

Grieving for my friend, Chuck, who lost his son in a year long fight of bone cancer. RIP Devin

I saw the move “Avatar” tonight.  It was AMAZING!  I’ve heard something about a conspiracy theory that it’s something from the Obama camp pushing socialism…I don’t know about that. I do know the special effects were amazing.

Did I tell you I’m off for the next three days?  Oh, we covered that…I have a one track mind right now. Hahaha

Tomorrow I need to get pictures downloaded so I can catch up my picture a day.

Want to see more Friday Fragments, come visit Mrs.4444 here.

Is It Me that is Changing?

So lately I’ve noticed a huge change in my husband.  Here are some examples:  He’s cooked me breakfast, done the laundry, called me from work because he wanted to hear my voice, sent me text messages saying he misses me, he’s just been…sweet.  He’s giving me lots of hugs and he kisses me like he means it!!!

So last night I asked him why he was being so incredibly sweet to me…not that I’m complaining. *smiles* He said something that still shocks me to this moment.  He said he hasn’t changed at all, that I have.  The look of confusion on my face spurred him to explain.  He said that he has always done this sort of thing before, that up until now I simply hadn’t noticed or was annoyed.  That he’s always done small things like this to show his love for me, it’s just taken me this long to notice and appreciate them.  He said he wasn’t the one who change, instead it was me.

You know what he attributes this change to?  My blogging new year’s resolution.  He likes that I’m looking for the good in things, especially him.  Now the vast improvement in kisses I’m sure is a change…I’m pretty sure I’d remember those!!  Perhaps this is because I’ve been telling him how much I appreciate him. *winks*

Who knew my love bug has been right there in front of me the whole time?!? How could I be so blind?  I’m sorry, Jeff, for not noticing all of your sweet/loving/thoughtful actions; for not fully appreciating the amazing man that you are.  I’m so incredibly grateful you are my husband.  Thank you for loving me where I am, even when I’ve been incredibly un-loveable.  Words cannot explain how deep my love is for you, or how thankful I am for you.

Things that have brought me joy:
·        * My incredible husband
·        * An iPod full of music I love
·         *The thought that I have the next 5 days off!! Woot!
·          * I have the love of a lifetime
·         *Snow capped mountains against Colorado Blue skies  = Beautiful


Who Am I Becoming?

Tonight at church we were talking about New Years Resolutions and new beginnings/fresh starts. Something, as you can tell, that has been on my mind this week.

The pastor was speaking on the passage from Luke chapter 15, the well known story about the prodigal son. He was talking about how after the son blew his inheritance on wild living, he hit the low point in his life and it wasn't fun anymore. He saw the bad decisions he had made and didn't like the direction his life was going. I related with that tonight. I think that is why I slipped into a funk in
December, and why I have been grasping at the opportunity of a fresh start this year. I didn't squander an inheritance, or really have "wild living", but I did make some poor decisions this year. I'm not proud of the person I was becoming, I needed a fresh start. The pastor wrapped it up with this verse and it gave me hope. I hope it does the same for you.

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come" 2 Corinthians 5:17

Things that brought me joy today:
* drinking tea at Celestial Seasonings
* a safe drive home through a winter storm
* an incredibly sweet husband, who I love more than I knew....I know that sounds weird, but it makes sense to me. Lol
* Coffee with two of my favorite girls
* Laughter with friends

Oh yeah, was a good day.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


Feeling Excited

I love January, it's my second favorite month.  I love the freshness, everything is new.  Especially this year!  New Month, New Year, New's full of possibilities.  I love that I've been on here blogging...even though I've really been blogging about nothing...but that is ok, because as far as readers, I don't have many.  :)   (Hi Mom!...Actually, I am pretty sure my mom doesn't read my blog, lol)

I think this year, more than most, I'm ready for a fresh start in my life.  I've been growing rather discontent with the "status quo".  I kinda feel like I put a bookmark in my life a couple years ago and stopped reading.  I don't know what's going to happen next in the story because I've let the book of my life become dusty. As much as I resist change in my life, change is good, change keeps things fresh, change keeps life moving forward.  I don't know that I'm any better, any different than I was at this point two years ago...or even four years ago.

I want to do better at  loving people...really loving them....especially the ones in my life who are hard to love.  I want to knock down the wall I use to keep people out, and start letting people into my life again.  I want to start doing something with my life that means something, I want to make a difference in this world. Oh, and I want to read more.  I definitely want to read more.

So, I'm excited about the things I'm accomplishing now.  I'm excited to go to Boulder tomorrow with Lea, and to go to my old home town.  I'm excited for the opportunity that creates to take some pictures.  I'm SO excited about the thought of not having to go to work tomorrow. HA! Oh what a day tomorrow can hold. 

Oh, and my favorite month is February in case you are wondering.  :)  It's my birthday month, and I love birthdays!

Things that brought me joy today
*My husband calling just because he wanted to hear my voice.
*My awesome agents and their staff who keep my laughing all day long.
*My friend who told me I did a great job in a meeting today and said I really know my stuff.
*Watching Made of Honor with Lea tonight and laughing...even though the movie is completely predictable.



Minor Adjustments

OK, so if you are someone who actually reads this've probably noticed I'm already falling off the bandwagon, because I didn't post a pic/what brought me joy.  I'm finding it difficult to both remember to take pictures (the camera is now in my purse) and downloading the pic on my husbands computer onto a thumb drive then onto my computer.  Perhaps a new laptop would make this easier (hint, hint to my husband).  HA

So, I'm thinking my pictures will post every copy days instead of every day, but there will still be a picture taken each day (except for yesterday because I missed it. )

Sunday's Joy:

*Sunday afternoon naps!  (those are the best!!)
*KC Chiefs win

Today's Joy:
*Making up with a friend I had a small argument with, and a sweet note from another friend.
*Getting tons of work done, I love productive days!
*Coming home to my family

I hope you have been able to find some joy in your days!


Me n Daddy

This is my late post for yesterday. I was so exhausted by the time I got home, there was no way I could get online and blog.  :)

You know what is cool about this New Years resolution of mine?  Yesterday I was totally focused on what good was going on in my life, on what things were bringing me joy.  What an awesome thing to be looking for/focused on!

Here is pic number 2 of me and my Daddy.  This might not seem like a great picture, but it made me feel special to see how focused he was on whatever it is that I was saying. :)

So here are some random things that brought me joy yesterday:

*Having such an awesome dad (and family in general)
*Micca "Logan, what are you watching?"  Logan "Ummm....First Thing in the Morning"  Micca "Do you mean Day After Tomorrow?"  Logan "Oh yeah, that's it."  LOL
*Laughing with friends


Choosing Joy - 365 Day Challenge

I've been thinking about positive changes I want to bring into my life for 2010 and beyond.  This year I want to do a better job at being Love and shining my Light. This year I want to choose joy, and seek joy out even in the hard times.

I heard an idea about keeping a Joy Journal; every day taking note of the things that bring me joy.  I also have been watching people doing a 365 photo-a-day challenge...I thought I would incorporate them both.

So today's photo is:  All I want for Christmas is my 4 front teeth

Today's joy-filled moments:

*Lunch with my BFF Brenda and her amazing family.  I love you!!
*A hot bubble bath with a glass of wine and my iPod
*Cuddling with hubby in the dark listening to music.

Have you set New Years resolutions?  What are they?