I am so excited to go see Twilight tonight!!! I cannot wait to see it, and I'm incredibly happy that hubby as graciously agreed to take me. Has anyone else seen it?
I was online super late last night looking for ideas for my blog. I really want to start blogging more regularly again. If you have ideas I can steal...er...use...please let me know!!
We just hired an amazing new house cleaner. I'm in heaven!!! She not only cleans, she organizes. Oh do I need her to do that. I feel like I walked into a strangers house, it looks so good and so different. If you know you live near me...let me know, and I'll hook you up. I would show you before and after pictures...but I'm WAY to embarrassed to do that. ha ha
Who has their Christmas decorations up?? I have really wanted to get my decorations up, but I've been restraining myself to wait until after Thanksgiving. Speaking of...once upon a time, I used to have my Christmas shopping DONE before Thanksgiving. What happened to me? How has Christmas snuck up so fast the past couple years, and WHY does no one warn me that it is coming??? LOL
Need Christmas ideas? I am starting to sell Body Shop at Home. Once I get a website up I'll link to it here. Talk to me if you want to host a party!!
Want more Friday Fragments or want to play along? Go visit Mrs444 at Half-Past Kissin' Time.
Welcome to FF fragments! Isn't it great to purge your thoughts?! Hope you are enjoying the movie tonight!! (My daughter is there, too!) I need a house cleaner, too. Too afraid to let anyone see how gross it is in here, though...
Oops! Just realized I've been posting from my OTHER Blogger address...I guess that'll keep everyone guessing tonight! It's really ME, Mrs.4444!
ha ha!! Your other identity only threw me for a second. :)
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