My Dear Blackberry,
I can't help but notice you've been a little grouchy with me lately. I mean it's hard not to notice with the red light of death and the constant crashes. Well, I got to thinking about it and realize this is probably all my fault. So I wanted to take a moment to apologize for all the times you've been dropped down the stairs, on the side walk, in parking lots. I realize you've taken a lot of hard falls. I also realize you probably aren't thrilled with the number of times you've been submersed in various liquids. OH and then there was the time the dog tried to eat you...
I realize I am lucky, most cell phones with this sort of history quit working all together...yet you keep on going. If you will just keep on working a little while longer...I promise I will not be in motion with you unless you are safely tucked into a pocket or my purse. I promise to keep all liquids lidded, or a safe distance away from you. I also promise to keep you far away from the clutches of the dogs mouth. I promise to handle you with greater care.
See, dear Blackberry, don't you know how much I rely on you? You bring me my email from 3 different email accounts. You give me Facebook updates and you help me keep up with both Facebook and Twitter. The world of information on the internet, you keep available to me at a moments notice with your internet access. I never miss an appointment because of your gentle reminders. Not to mention you help me keep in touch with the ones I love when I'm not at home. While there are times I dream about what it would be like to go back to a simpler time without cell phones, at this moment I would be lost without you. So please, my beautiful pink Blackberry, hang in there with me.
Bad Cell Phone Owner
lol, very funny.
I love it! Your poor pink Blackberry. One thing though, shouldn't it be called a Pinkberry? Come to think of it, have you named your phone yet? Maybe that's what she needs.
Oh I'm such a bad phone Mom! Hmmm...what to name my pinkberry...
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