
Choosing Joy - 365 Day Challenge

I've been thinking about positive changes I want to bring into my life for 2010 and beyond.  This year I want to do a better job at being Love and shining my Light. This year I want to choose joy, and seek joy out even in the hard times.

I heard an idea about keeping a Joy Journal; every day taking note of the things that bring me joy.  I also have been watching people doing a 365 photo-a-day challenge...I thought I would incorporate them both.

So today's photo is:  All I want for Christmas is my 4 front teeth

Today's joy-filled moments:

*Lunch with my BFF Brenda and her amazing family.  I love you!!
*A hot bubble bath with a glass of wine and my iPod
*Cuddling with hubby in the dark listening to music.

Have you set New Years resolutions?  What are they?


Brenda said...

I was scrolling through the blogs I follow on my Reader and I saw the pic and thought, "that kid has the same missing teeth as Luke"! Haha... We love you too BFF!! Thanks for sharing the first day of the the new year with us :) MIss you tons! HUGS

Unknown said...

I wouldn't have wanted to spend it with anyone else! I'm glad I got to see you. I love you and miss you more!!! HUGS