

Ugh....have you ever had one of those days? The next couple days are going to be like this I am afraid. Days where its one thing after another and not enough time in between to finish the first thing....

I tried the elephant know the "how do you eat an bite at a time". My problem the rest of the elephant kept shouting at me "have you got over here yet?" hmmm...disturbing picture LOL...but you catch my drift right????

I need to pull myself together before tomorrow. What do you do on days like this? When the "to be done" pile is growing faster than the "done" pile? One thing I know...I am glad I am surrounded by people who can make me laugh throughout the day...and I am glad I have things outside of work I am passionate about. Both make those long work days a little easier to bare.

Night all.

Things that brought me joy today:
* lunch with a friend
* sweet puppies to love on
* trusting I have better things coming


Christy said...

Hi, I just read your response to MckMama's blogfrom discussion about Mother's Day. I am sorry today was so hard for you. I am blessed to have two little ones but I have lost 4 in between and it is always a bittersweet day for me. I will pray for you that God will give you strength and peace in your future and that in His time he will grant you the child you want so badly. Keep looking up!

Laura said...

Can I just say how much I LOVE that you end every post with 3 things that made you happy for the day? I keep a "blessings" journal myself. I write down the ways I try to bless someone else for the day, and how I was blessed by something during that day too. I love seeing that you're journaling that right on your blog. How positive and fabulous of you! I look forward to following your blog. The "eating an elephant with one bite at a time" image cracked me up. You're silliness is very charming. :-)

Blessings to you!
Love, Laura

Unknown said...

Christy, Thank you so much for your sweet encouragement. :) I trust that God's planning and timing is's just hard sitting in the waiting room, you know?

Laura, you totally made my day!! Thanks for stopping by. :) I try to keep laughing and seeking out the blessings. I love how you add to br on the look out of being a blessing to others. I need to add that to my practice. :)